Frequently Asked Questions


How does Medical Weight Loss Work?

Our patients don’t receive a “one-plan-fits-all” diet. At Main Line Weight Solutions, we develop custom weight loss strategies with modifications based on progress, fat loss, energy level and hunger or discomfort.


How do appetite suppressants work?

Appetite suppressants work by stimulating the hypothalamus gland and affecting certain neurotransmitters to reduce appetite. The hypothalamus is the region of the brain that controls the autonomic nervous system, regulating sleep cycles, body temperature, and appetite. Also, these appetite suppressants are not intended to be a substitute for a healthy diet or exercise.

For best results, it should be used in conjunction with a reduced-calorie diet and regular physical activity. In addition, any modifications in your diet, activity level, and behavior will need to be developed and continued for the long term in order to continue losing weight and prevent it from returning.

Is Medical Weight loss necessary for me?

Majority of Americans are getting obese and suffering from various conditions due to it. The unfortunate fact is that most of them are unable to lose weight and keep it off. But most of the time, losing weight isn’t actually the problem. Preventing the weight from coming back is what most people struggle to control. So, if you think you can relate to this, you can get a consultation from our weight loss online doctor.


What is the Process of Weight Loss Treatment?

As a patient, you will come to our weight loss clinic for an initial consultation and fill out a quick questionnaire. Your doctor will then perform a brief physical and review of your medical history and eating patterns or problems. Next our doctors plan your medical weight loss program.

Our medical weight loss program typically involves the prescription of an appetite suppressant and is specially designed to reduce your appetite. You will soon see the most effective results combining our program with proper dieting and exercise.

Benefits of Medical Weight Loss?

Our medical weight loss plans have helped patients with failed attempts at significant weight loss coming from almost every diet doctor in the South Florida area, every diet chain, and every diet protocol. We understand that all weight loss programs require strict adherence to the guidelines set forth. However, the close medical supervision and guidance we provide has proven to be invaluable.


How do I get Started?

You can get started by scheduling a consultation via our Schedule tab or by calling our office: 610-353-7300.